Tuesday, August 30, 2011

House viewing

I have three more days off, yesterday we went house viewing around, just driving in the nice weather looking from the outside. Here is a few of them.

Heidi Klum

Perfect for the woman on the go, the new line by Heidi Klum for New Balance is a must in the closet. #Calyp

Financials to Firewalls

Technology Solutions that Help Companies Grow ERP/Financials, Supply Chain, Custom I #Calyp

E7-00 Phone

Keep in touch with everything in your life all on one device, the Nokia E7. #Calyp

Roku 2 XS Streaming Player

Stop dreaming of instant television, start streaming with the Roku 2 XS Player. #Calyp

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Really a dream home

We went to look around again today and there is a house out there with our name on it. Perfect in any way possible.  If we didnt have to wait for our scores to grow up...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finally a plan!

We where at the Hms meeting yesterday and I think it went well.  We need to work on our creditscores and it will cost us some money we don't have at the moment, I will have to focus on bringing in more extra money with the advertising stuff.  If you see anything you like please check it out!  I dont do the sceaming cookie, laborinth or other trickory ads, take a look at the movies about to hit the big screen or check out some new toys. You dont have to buy anything or give your information.  Anyway the plan is to clean the credit up and be in a house of our own by february.  It is hard to be patient for that long but Theese people really generated some trust. Oh and it makes a huge diffrents that we can go to the office and talk to them face to face!
If you are in the same boat as us don't hesitate to contact them just google Hms and mortage and you find them. Tell them catarina ford Sent ya (yes it is my reall name I was a lil paranoid when I made this *blush*).
Next step for us is to start the cleanup and get at least two secured creditcards. Next week or so we going to look at some houses that they recomend. The money is a little more then we wanted to spend, but they are new so we might consider it.  Main reliefs though is that we feel we are in good hands finally and its moving forward with a reall plan :-)